What Colours Do Cats See Best?

21 nov. 2023 FunnyFuzzyUKTeam

As cat owners, we often wonder how our feline companions perceive the world around them. One intriguing aspect of their sensory experience is their vision and colour perception. In this blog post, we will delve into the fascinating realm of cat vision and explore the colours that cats see best. By understanding their unique visual abilities, we can gain insight into their interactions with their environment.

cat's unique visual ability

I. What does a Cat's Vision look like?

Visual Anatomy

For one thing, cats have a remarkable ability to dilate and constrict their pupils quickly, allowing them to adapt to varying light conditions. This feature gives them an advantage when hunting during dawn or dusk when light levels are low. The tapetum lucidum, a reflective layer behind the retina, enhances their night vision by reflecting light back through the retina, maximizing the use of available light.

For another thing, their wide field of view allows them to detect even the slightest movements in their surroundings, making them excellent hunters and agile predators. These specialized visual adaptations contribute to cats' exceptional ability to navigate their environment with precision and grace.

Furthermore, a cat's photoreceptor cells, specifically rod and cone cells, work together to provide them with specialized vision suited for their predatory nature and nocturnal hunting habits. By leveraging their exceptional night vision, cats excel in detecting motion, tracking prey, and navigating in low-light environments.

cat's photoreceptor cells

Comparisons to Human Vision

This variance in colour perception between humans and cats stems from the types of colour receptors present in their eyes. Human trichromatic vision enables us to perceive a broad spectrum of colours, including reds, greens, and blues. In contrast, cats' dichromatic vision limits their colour perception primarily to blue and green hues, with reduced sensitivity to reds. As a result, cats may have difficulty distinguishing between certain colours, particularly those within the red-green spectrum, influencing their visual experiences and interactions with their environment.

comparison of eyesight between cats and people

Ⅱ. What Colours Do Cats See Best?

Cats have a relatively limited colour spectrum compared to humans. While it was long believed that cats see the world in shades of black and white, we now know that they can perceive certain colours, although not with the same vibrancy and range as humans. Here's an overview of the colours cats see best:

  1. Blues and Violets: Cats have a higher number of blue-sensitive cone cells in their eyes, which means they can see shades of blue and violet more distinctly than other colours. These colours may appear more vibrant to them.

  2. Greens and Yellows: Cats also have some sensitivity to green and yellow wavelengths, although their perception of these colours is not as pronounced as their sensitivity to blues and violets.

  3. Reds and Oranges: Cats have limited sensitivity to red and orange colours. They perceive these hues as more subdued and may have difficulty distinguishing them from other colours.

  4. Grays and Neutrals: Cats have a keen ability to perceive shades of gray and neutral tones. This skill is particularly useful in low-light conditions when colour perception becomes less significant, and they rely more on contrast and brightness.

Ⅲ. How to Create a Colourful Environment for Your Cat?

Creating a colourful environment for your cat can provide visual stimulation and enrichment. Here are some tips to help you design a vibrant and engaging space for your feline friend:

      1. Use Colourful Cat Furniture: Choose cat furniture, such as scratching posts, cat trees, or perches, that come in a range of colours. This can create a visually appealing and inviting space for your cat. Cats often enjoy exploring and lounging on furniture that provides different textures and colours. They can also provide visual access to the outdoors.

cat scratching board

FunnyFuzzy's Cat Scratching Board

      2. Incorporate Colourful Toys and Accessories: Provide your cat with a variety of toys in different colours. Opt for toys that have contrasting colours or patterns, as they can attract your cat's attention and stimulate their visual senses. Additionally, consider using colourful bedding, scratching posts, and climbing structures to add visual interest to their environment.

green cat bed

FunnyFuzzy's Green Bed for Cats

     3. Introduce Colourful Catnip and Treats: Sprinkle catnip on colourful mats or toys to entice your cat and engage their senses. You can also offer colourful treats with vibrant designs to make feeding time more visually stimulating for your cat.

You can create an enriched environment that encourages exploration and mental stimulation, ultimately contributing to your cat's physical and emotional health.

Ⅳ. Debunking Common Myths about Cat Vision

Cats Seeing Only in Black and White

While cats do not perceive colours as vividly as humans, they are not colour-blind. Cats possess a limited colour spectrum and can distinguish between certain hues, particularly blues and greens.

Cats Having Poor Night Vision

Cats have excellent night vision compared to humans. They have a higher number of rod cells in their eyes, which are responsible for detecting low levels of light. This allows them to navigate and hunt effectively in dimly lit environments.

Cats Seeing Clearly at Any Distance

Cats have better near vision than far vision. Their eyes are designed for focusing on objects that are close to them, making them proficient at detecting movements and details up close.

Cats Failing to See What Is Right in Front of Them

While cats may have a narrower field of view compared to humans, they have exceptional peripheral vision. This gives them a wider field of awareness, allowing them to detect movement and objects in their surroundings.

cats seeing in the night

By dispelling these myths, we can gain a better understanding of how cats truly perceive the world, appreciating their unique visual experiences.


In summary, exploring cats' preferred colours unveils an intriguing aspect of their perception. Although cats have a narrower colour range than humans, they can still distinguish various colours, particularly blues and violets. Knowing cats' colour vision aids in designing stimulating environments, selecting engaging toys and accessories, and strengthening our bond with them. Embrace the vibrant cat world and enhance their visual experiences.


Q: Do your cat recognize your face? 

A: Cats have a unique way of recognizing and identifying their owners, but their recognition is not primarily based on facial features like it is for humans. Instead, cats rely more on other sensory cues and familiarity with their owner's scent, voice, and overall body language. Remember that each cat is unique, and the level of recognition may vary between individual cats based on their personality and the quality of their relationship with their owner.

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