Join FunnyFuzzy Affiliate Program!

Our Affiliate Program allows you to promote FunnyFuzzy products and offers on your site and earn commissions on any valid sales you drive. It's that simple!



How do I become an affiliate?

You may apply to Awin here. We review applications regularly. Once accepted, you have the ability to review and agree to our terms and conditions.

How much can I make?

  • We offer an up to 20% commission for all coupon and cashback sites and all content publishers and influencers.
  • Awin will provide access to a full menu of detailed web-based reports to help you track your earnings and performance.

How to maxizine my earnings?

  • Build tailored content of FunnyFuzzy that resonate with visitors of your network.
  • Give FunnyFuzzy a prominent presence on your website.
  • Use your unique affiliate link to direct your visitors to the FunnyFuzzy store so we can track your sales and pay your commissions.
  • Ensure that your website is well maintained and always available, allowing visitors access to links to the FunnyFuzzy store.

How does the 30-day cookie work?

When someone clicks your affiliate link, a cookie will be added to their browser to ensure that you receive credit for any FunnyFuzzy Store orders within 30 days.

How do I track sales?

We work with Awin to facilitate our tracking, reporting, and payment. Awin provides you with tracking to add to your site. When a visitor clicks the affiliate link on your site and makes a purchase, Awin records that order. Awin then grants you commissions on all customer orders that occur within your cookie window.