Do Sofa Covers Prevent Cats from Scratching?

Nov 20, 2023 FunnyFuzzyUKTeam

As much as we love our feline companions, their scratching habits can wreak havoc on our furniture. Many cat owners have tried and failed to teach their cats not to scratch their sofas and other pieces of furniture. In this blog post, we'll explore whether sofa covers can help prevent cats from scratching our beloved couches.

Cat-friendly Furniture Protector

FunnyFuzzy's Cat-friendly Furniture Protector

Why Do Cats Like Scratching Sofas?

Cats have a natural instinct to scratch, and there are several reasons why they may be drawn to clawing at sofas:

  1. Territory Marking: Cats have scent glands in their paws, and when they scratch, they leave behind pheromones that mark their territory. Couchs, being prominent pieces of furniture in the home, may be an attractive target for cats to assert ownership and mark their presence.

  2. Stretching and Exercise: Scratching helps cats stretch their muscles and maintain their physical well-being. Sofas often provide a vertical and horizontal surface that allows cats to engage their muscles and extend their bodies fully while clawing.

  3. Nail Maintenance: Scratching helps cats shed the old outer layers of their claws, keeping them healthy and sharp. Sofas, with their textured surfaces, can provide the necessary resistance for cats to effectively groom and maintain their claws.

Do Sofa Covers Prevent Cats from Scratching?

Yes. Couch covers can act as a deterrent and help protect your sofa from cat scratching to some extent. They provide a physical barrier between your cat's claws and the sofa fabric. A furniture protector can help reduce the damage caused by clawing and protect the underlying material. This can help extend the lifespan of your furniture and keep it looking new. 

How Do You Choose Anti-scratch Sofa Covers?

When choosing anti-scratch sofa covers, consider the following factors:

  • Material Durability

Look for furniture protectors made from durable materials that are specifically designed to resist damaging. Materials like sherpa fleece, chenille fabric, thickened plush and cotton can be effective in deterring cats from clawing. Avoid delicate fabrics or loosely woven materials that may be prone to damage. Look for covers that explicitly mention scratch resistance in their product description.

Cotton Sofa Protector

FunnyFuzzy's Cotton Anti-scratch Sofa Protector 

  • Secure Fit

Ensure that the cat-proof sofa cover fits your furniture securely to prevent cats from easily pulling it off or creating gaps where they can access the sofa underneath. Look for covers with full wrap, adjustable straps, ties, or elastic bands that can help keep them in place.

Full Wrap Cat-proof Sofa Cover

FunnyFuzzy's Full Wrap Cat-proof Sofa Cover

  • Easy to Clean

Cats can leave hair, dander, and other debris on the couch covers. Select covers that are easy to clean and maintain. Machine washable sofa covers or those that can be easily wiped down or spot cleaned are convenient options.

FunnyFuzzy's Scratch Proof Couch Cover machine-washable furniture protector

FunnyFuzzy's Scratch Proof Couch Cover

  • User Reviews and Recommendations

Read customer reviews and seek recommendations from other cat owners who have used scratch proof sofa covers. Their experiences can provide insights into the effectiveness and durability of different products.

Complementary Strategies to Prevent Scratching

Scratching too often may still cause minor damage to the furniture protectors. While selecting cat-friendly sofa covers is important, it's also crucial to redirect your cat's clawing behavior effectively. Here are some complementary strategies you can employ to prevent damaging and redirect your cat's behavior:

     1. Provide Scratching Alternatives: Give your cat appropriate scratching alternatives that are more appealing than your furniture. Invest in sturdy scratching posts or boards that are tall enough for your cat to fully stretch and have different textures to mimic their preferences. Place these alternatives near the furniture they tend to damage, making them easily accessible and enticing.

Cat Scratching Post

FunnyFuzzy's Cat Scratching Post

     2. Encourage and Reward Desired Behavior: When you observe your cat using the appropriate scratching surfaces, provide positive reinforcement by praising or rewarding them with treats or playtime. Positive reinforcement helps reinforce the behavior you want and encourages your cat to continue using the designated clawing area.

     3. Use Deterrents: Apply deterrents to your furniture to discourage clawing. Cats dislike certain scents and textures, so you can try using double-sided tape, aluminum foil, or citrus-scented sprays on the areas your cat tends to scratch. These deterrents create an unpleasant or uncomfortable experience, making the furniture less appealing for clawing.

     4. Trim Your Cat's Nails: Regularly trim your cat's nails to reduce the damage caused by scratching. Keeping their nails short and well-maintained can minimize the impact on your furniture. Consult with your veterinarian or a professional groomer for guidance on how to safely trim your cat's nails.


While sofa covers may not be a guaranteed solution to prevent cats from damaging furniture, they can significantly reduce damage and prolong the life of our sofas. By knowing cats' natural scratching behavior, choosing the right sofa covers, and providing alternative clawing options, cat owners can help protect their furniture while still providing a safe and happy home for their feline companions.

See Also:

Why Should You Need A Sofa Cover?

Do Cats Ruin Leather Sofas?

What Sofa Cover Doesn't Stick to Dog Hair?

Is It OK to Wash Sofa Covers in Washing Machine?

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